We’ve been pretty busy with getting the market garden going and trialing everything we think we want to grow for market next year. This is everything that we’ve been up to over the last month. Deer/Perimeter Fence We finally finished up the fence. We installed the top 4 wires along the whole fence to get […]
It’s about time for another update. We’ve had a lot going on and got a lot accomplished. This update covers everything in the past two months. Here’s what we have been working on… Deer/Perimeter Fence An 8 foot tall fence may seem like a really tall fence, but deer can jump really high if they […]
A lot has been going on since our last update. We are starting to see the results of some of our work and adding more projects to the list. It is still slow going, we are focusing on building the infrastructure that we will need later. High Tunnel This project by far was the longest […]
Our home has an interesting story, it burned, it literally caught fire and burned. In a set of really unfortunate circumstances a realtor and contractor renovated our home 2 years before we came along. Our house was built in the 50’s and still had the original oil furnace in it when a realtor and contractor […]
This is the first of our periodic updates for The Piedmont Homestead. We’ll go over the progress we’ve made and the steps we take to get closer to our goal of growing food in such abundance we can support others around us. We have a lot of ideas, some of which are written out in […]