Our home has an interesting story, it burned, it literally caught fire and burned. In a set of really unfortunate circumstances a realtor and contractor renovated our home 2 years before we came along. Our house was built in the 50’s and still had the original oil furnace in it when a realtor and contractor […]
Latest News
This is the first of our periodic updates for The Piedmont Homestead. We’ll go over the progress we’ve made and the steps we take to get closer to our goal of growing food in such abundance we can support others around us. We have a lot of ideas, some of which are written out in […]
Pickled jalapenos are probably my favorite thing to can because they are quick, easy, and delicious. For the past 3 years we have been organically growing (this variety) of jalapeno’s in our garden. This variety produces large amounts of peppers through the growing season. We get a few throughout the summer and then starting in […]
We just recently read a great quote that sums up the whole experience, “Live a life you don’t need a vacation from.” While we definitely are not there yet, it is something to strive for. It is nice to have these trips with some time away to “recharge,” explore, and experience something new. We are […]
Solar Irrigation System Overview Having a solar irrigation system was something of a novelty to us, until we got tired of hand watering our garden. You may have come here by way of our rain barrel project post, but if not feel free to check that out here. We used to water our gardens by […]